Self Organizing Maps (SOM)

Can be used to solve de TSP/VRP problem

The main advantages of SOM over others solutions are: * Very good results even with a huge amount of points * It's computed using only the point ID, latitude and longitude

The main disvantages of SOM over other solutions are: * The result is a very optimized route but you don't know the cost * Computationally more expensive than other solutions * Constrains (time/capacity) are not available in this algorithm * Penalties are not available in this algorithm (time/capacity)

Global understunding of the Algorithm

SOM is metaheuristic aproach wich mean is not deterministic, this lead that every time you run the algorithm you cound find a different solution.

This algorithm is based on Self Organizing Maps from Tehuvo Kohonen and the implementation in Python is based on the Diego Vicente solution.

The main formula of the alorithm if the search formula, to explore new combinations, combined with a learning rate decay in order to minimize the searchs over the iterations. Our algorithm can be expressed as:


Where \delta is the learning rate, g is the gaussian function that look for a winner in a radius of h


Hyper - Parameters

sklearn_route.metaheuristics.som.SOM(units=None, radius=None, radius_decay=0.9991, lr=0.8, lr_decay=0.9991)

  • units: int, default=None

    The number of Neurons of the SOM, if it's None the algorithm takes the number of nodes multiply by eight. More Numbers of neuron, better results but with a time penalty

  • radius: int, defaultNone

    The radius of search, if it's None the algorithm takes the number of nodes multiply by eight. The radius will decrease with the radius_decay parameter so it's good to have a high radius at start to find throug all nodes at the begining

  • radius_decay: float, default=0.9991

    The decay of the radius per epoch wich means the decrease of the radius

  • lr: float, default=0.8

    The learning rate, is how aggressive the update of the weight is, higher learning rate, more aggressive is the update of the weights

  • lr_decay: float, default=0.9991

    The decay of the learning rate. In order to find the most optimal solution, at the end is good to have a low learning rate.


  • fit(nodes, epochs):

    Execute the algorithm and give back the best route find it

    1. nodes: tuple

      A tuple of tuples, each tuple is a Node with the first element the ID, the sencond the latitude and the third then longitude. For example if we have a route with three points, the tuple will be like this:

      nodes = (
      (1, 0.459887, 14.345767),
      (2, 0.634534, 12.575462),
      (3, 0.256765, 9.734435),

    2. epochs: int, default=10_000

      The times that the Neural network will update the weights trying to find the optimal solution

Example SOM

from sklearn_route.datasets import load_barcelona
from sklearn_route.preprocessing import normalize, df_to_tuple
from sklearn_route.metaheuristics.som import SOM

df_barcelona = load_barcelona()["DataFrame"]
df_barcelona = df_barcelona[["id_origin", "lat_origin", "lon_origin"]].drop_duplicates()
df_barcelona = normalize(df_barcelona, "lat_origin", "lon_origin")

route = df_to_tuple(df_Barcelona)

som = SOM()
result =

#Printing the best route